Lately I’ve been thinking more about a particular class of rope bondage that I used to think of as “decorative,” but more recently have decided is much, much sexier than that.
So now I’m thinking about and discussing the uses of “Lingerie rope bondage” and I’m going to share a few thoughts, and a couple of my favorite ties from that particular category.
Back when I was first starting out, I had very little time for “decorative” rope.
I really didn’t see the point. I mean, for me, the point was getting someone all helpless and turned on and enjoying the intensity of the feelings, and I didn’t really get why people would faf about wasting their time on decoration.
I mean, honestly, who gives a shit? Forget decoration. I wanted to get to the good stuff. The practical stuff. The getting the hot person in bed and blowing their mind stuff.
That said, I eventually grew as a person.
I began to appreciate the aesthetic side of things, and some of the less sexual but still intense side of rope, and all the marvelous effects that you can achieve that don’t actually have anything to do with actual sex.
In fact, I developed a huge fondness for the very sensual side of things, as opposed to the sexual. My horizons expanded (and a good thing, too!).
And then one day, I had a revelation. A genuine lightbulb “aha” moment!
When I switch the word “decorative” for “lingerie”, suddenly it’s much sexier and I have a much more enlightened understanding of why you’d want to “dress someone up” in rope.
I know, I know. I’m SUCH a typical guy. Totally a one track mind.
There are two amazing things about lingerie rope.
Amazing Thing Number One:
It looks sexy as fuck. I mean, holy shit. A person with a really nice rope harness that accentuates all the right parts… it really is another form of lingerie, which is basically designed to show off the human body and look amazing.
Best of all, it makes the person wearing it feel super hot and sexy. You can tell. The number of times I’ve tied a woman into a karada and had her wandering about with this naughty little smile on her face…
Part of it is that the first thing she will do after I’ve tied the harness is go and look in the mirror – so she KNOWS she looks super hot. That is a huge boost to her self esteem and confidence.
But another part is that rope lingerie also tends to place pressure on certain parts, and give them a slight “bound” feeling, so not only do they know they look sexy, but they’re feeling very sexy just from the stimulus that the harness is providing them. And that shows in her body language.
Amazing Thing Number Two:
This is the kind of lingerie that actively lends itself to great sex.
You know what I really love about rope harnesses?
They provide this wonderful set of handles for throwing someone around and getting a good grip and pulling them into you.
Seriously, it’s so good. I’ve never played with a woman who didn’t enjoy it when I hooked my fingers into the rope wrapped around her body and used it that way.
And another interesting thing about that use of the harness as a handle is, depending on where exactly the rope is placed on their body, the pressure transmitted through the rope when you hook your fingers in can sometimes go to some very interesting places.
It can provide additional stimulus in places you aren’t even touching.
It’s very cool. Sexy looking, and sexy in practice!
Two Of My Favorite “Lingerie Rope” Ties
I’ve sourced a couple of my favorite videos on this from Youtube. Honestly, I wanted to make you a nice tutorial with Blue, but she’s been very busy with family stuff lately, and that’s important. Especially at this time of year.
First and foremost: The Karada. This basically is supposed to be any kind of diamond or “tortoiseshell” harness, and it can be tied a myriad of different ways. It’s actually really easy once you’ve practiced it a time or two. You might use one long length of double rope as these guys have here, or use shorter lengths which you’ll add to as you go. Fun fact, this is the same tie I used to make my “Christmas Tree”a couple of years ago, as shown in the featured image of this post.
The thing with the Karada is with a bit of experimentation, you can also tie it with diamonds going up the back as well. Blue’s not currently available for pictures, so I’ll have to wait a bit before I can show you, but it’s an easy adaptation to make.
You basically continue the initial line of knots up the rope going up the back, and then when you begin doing the parallel lines, you do them between the spaces on each side, creating diamonds on both the front and back.
Another excellent tie of this nature is one of the chest harness variety, which I’ve used many times, including when tying a friend for a burlesque performance. Again, while this doesn’t offer that much in the way of bondage, lingerie-wise it looks great, and when you grip it from behind, offers an excellent handle for fantastic sex.
From time to time I run across other amazing ties of this nature, and recently have felt a much greater appreciation for them – what can I say, sometimes I’m just a very visual creature ((this is also probably why lingerie works so well on most men).
So when I get the opportunity, I’m probably going to be looking for, testing, ENJOYING, and then sharing more fun ties of this nature.
If anybody else comes across some great ones (particularly booty ties) let me know! I’d love to learn and share some new stuff.
Check out the Booty Basket on youtube. Also search for the Minnesota Peach on Goolge. That one will cost you $5 but it is a nice tie.
Sweet, thanks Jeff! I’m definitely okay paying $5 to learn a great tie, especially if it means having hot times in future
this is as fantastic as life itself