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Combining Rope and Impact Play in BDSM.

Combining impact and rope bondage can be super fun. I recently taught a class on this one, which was pretty fun, and surprisingly simple to teach. Experience definitely helps, and I like to simplify topics where I can.

So here are a few of my notes.

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A VERY Naughty Crotch Tie.

This is a variation on the groin tie, which is sort of part crotch tie, part hip harness. It’s simple to create, the act of tying it can often turn a woman on as she feels the pressure of the rope doing… things… and it creates a lot of access for sex and naughty play.

I’ve been having a lot of fun with it lately, and I thought I’d note it down and share it with y’all. I HIGHLY recommend using rope you’re very happy to wash. I tend to use nylon for this, but am likely to experiment in future with bamboo rope.

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Shibari Hojo Cuff Techniques

I’ve been playing with different ways of doing the hojo cuff. It’s an incredibly useful little rope move, but as with any tie, working out how to do it smoothly as a part of play can be in interesting challenge.

Here’s what I’ve got so far. It’s all about the finger work… and the dominance.

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The “Sleepy Shibari” Tie.

The “sleepy shibari” is a cute little tie that I learned from Wykd Dave, who had a video up a few years back.

The idea behind this “sleepy shibari” tie is that you’ve already been doing a lot of fun things with your partner, and now they’re in this sleepy, relaxed state, and probably lying face down. Being the wonderfully kind Rope Top you are, you’ve decided you can allow them to enjoy that state of rope happiness for just that little while longer… so now it’s time to add yet more rope!

Continue reading The “Sleepy Shibari” Tie.