My new book, The Type A’s Guide To BDSM Scenes, is now up and available for purchase here on Rope Connections.

My new book, The Type A’s Guide To BDSM Scenes, is now up and available for purchase here on Rope Connections.
Good morning everyone!
It seems it’s time for the official notification post.
I have a new book coming out very soon – and this one solves the problem of how to plan a great scene. Not only that; but how to do it consistently.
This particular book came about because one of my readers loved what was in my previous book, but wanted more information on how to plan kink scenes in general.
When I took a look at what was out there, I realized that there was lots of surface level information, but very few deep and detailed walkthroughs on the process of planning a great scene.
People tend to be told to negotiate, (which is good advice) and “to do what works for you” (which is also good advice) and then they’re sort of left at a loose end when it comes to figuring out what to do, and why to do it.
Which sucks. There was no detail, no structure, no replicable process. People were being left floundering in the dark.
So I decided to take a very organized approach in writing a very detailed guide with respect to planning a great kink scene.
I did a bunch of research, asked a lot of questions, and analyzed the hell out of the planning principles behind some of the best scenes I’ve seen and experienced.
And then, as I wrote it, I realized that some people would need more information, and the guide got bigger. And then I realized it needed examples and case studies, and the guide got bigger again.
So now I’ve ended up with another Ebook.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the polls for the cover design! Your influence has been HUGE, and I really appreciate all the input given.
Interestingly, in researching and writing this ebook, I’ve indirectly benefited tremendously.
As I wrote this ebook, I found myself clarifying my own practices and principles when it comes to BDSM, and really reinforcing my own process for creating consistently great scenes. Not only was I writing down the practices I was using, I was expanding on previous ideas and coming up with new ones.
This book made my own planning process better literally as I wrote it.
And I’ve had some hot as fuck scenes recently because of that. Do I sound smug? Because I am.
I also found myself becoming far more confident in planning around different kinds of kink. It turns out that the same process can be used for whatever kind of kink you’re throwing into the scene. So that was fucking cool. My muse and I have been experimenting with some new things quite successfully because of that.
I’m going to be keeping a copy of this book on my Kindle for whenever I’m brushing up on my scene planning, because hey; it’s worked damn well for me so far. So from time to time I’ll read back through it and reinforce my process with all those good ideas.
I’ll be releasing the Ebook to you guys week beginning September 19th, 2022. I’m launching it here first, in the Rope Connections Store, and in a few months I’ll let Amazon have access to it as well.
I’m excited, guys. I really am. I’m hoping you get a lot of value from it as well 😀
Sometimes, it’s fun to use rope to play with a masochist’s pain kink. And this post describes exactly how you can do it.
Disclaimer; this post depicts masochistic bondage sex, with rope tied more tightly than I’d typically recommend for most scenes. While it’s relatively fun and safe to do with legs tied doubled closed, I don’t recommend it for any other area of the body. Always negotiate how you’ll play with your partner before trying anything like this.
Continue reading Post Scene Review: Rope Bondage MasochismOver the past several days I’ve been working with several designers with regards to creating the cover for my current written project; yes, there is a new book coming out in the next few months!
Out of 50 different designs, I’ve selected my top 5, all of which I think have something going for them.
And now – I would love to have your input! After all, I’m creating this book for you, to give you knowledge and tools that will give you yet more advantages – it makes sense that you get to express an opinion and have some influence on the cover.
So here’s a link to the poll. Which cover do you like best? Which do you think will be the most suitable for the book?
Click here on this link to have your say.
At some point in every rope top’s journey, it’s useful to start thinking about indoor hard points, and how you might organize your own. You may not be thinking about full on suspending people, but the idea of tying your partner’s hands above their head has a certain appeal for a lot of people.
Continue reading Indoor Hard Points For Rope BondagePost plague recovery fatigue has definitely impacted on my fun kink activities and lifestyle.
However, there has been one easy bondage activity which has required minimal effort, yet maintained a really hot, intimate vibe during my dates with kink partners.
Continue reading Easy Bondage: Bound CuddlesRecently I’ve been having some very good times with tying people, and today I want to discuss one of the biggest contributing factors to a great rope scene.
MUSIC; and tying to that music.
Continue reading Dancing With RopeWhen it comes to using nylon rope for bondage, I’ve procrastinated for a very long time, but have finally gotten around to getting some! Let’s call it my Christmas present to myself. So today’s post will be examining nylon rope and giving you guys a decent look at it, and at the pros and cons of using nylon rope for bondage.
Continue reading Using Nylon Rope For BondageToday we have a guest post from my friend Dexter, who recently conducted a whole bunch of experiments in how to remove a terrible smell from rope. This was a learning opportunity for me as well, so I’m probably going to find the learning just as useful as you will!
Continue reading Guest Post: The Trials of Removing Smells From Bondage RopeAnd now it’s time for another post play review!
I’m writing this up literally the day after it happened, and it’s very fresh in my head. This review covers a few different BDSM aspects in one scene – psychological/erotic conditioning, dominance and submission, a bit of degradation, and quite a bit of rope bondage – and a situation where I actually had to cut the rope off in a bit of an emergency.
Continue reading Post Play Review: The Second Time I’ve Had To Cut The Rope