Today I’m discussing consensual non-consent, because that’s been coming up a lot in my relationship of late. This post will contain lots of trigger words and ideas, including rape; actually, lots of that; so if you’ve had a bad experience, it’s likely to be like a punch in the face. Think twice before clicking; for some of you it might not be wise. Continue at your own risk.
A few hours after writing this post, I’m going to be doing a consensual non-consent scene. It will be dark and brutal and intimidating. I’m going to act out a violent rape with Blue, my hot as fuck partner, while she protests and begs me not to. She may scream and cry and beg me not to do it. In fact, I’ll be very surprised if she doesn’t. I’m going to act violent and savage as hell – in fact, I’m going to literally hold her at knife point to make her do whatever the hell I want.
The power imbalance will be extreme. A large well muscled man taking advantage of a beautiful petite woman, who has zero chance at resisting me successfully. Her mouth covered in my leather gloved hand, struggling beneath me while I ignore said struggles and use her body however I like. I’m going to treat her like a captive piece of meat, with no value but for what pleasure I can have with her body.
I might even do it twice, if I feel in the mood. I probably will.
Now, because I’m a really nice and helpful guy, I’m going to walk you through the process so that you can do it too if you want!
But not with Blue. Find your own victim! She’s not an any and all predators kind of girl.
Everything I suggest here has been literally tested and made use of by me, to great success. It may not work for everyone. But there is quite a bit of thought, planning and testing in the ideas I’ll use, so the odds are very much in your favor.
First Point: What Is Consensual Non-Consent?
Answer; basically, it’s about pretend rape and forcing people to do things that they pretend they don’t want to do, or doing things to them that they vociferously protest against, but are actually fine or in favor of. Forced orgasms are an excellent example of this.
I’m not pulling any punches here. All of my word choices are deliberately blunt. Consensual non-consent is the really nice and quite cleverly inclusive way of saying exactly that it’s a rape or violence role play (violence being inherently non-consensual, by definition).
The reason why I’m not pulling any punches is that it’s important to realize that this is exactly what we’re pretending to do. If you go in with any blinders, it will make life difficult for you, because you won’t be prepared. This stuff gets dark and nasty.
It’s Often Harder Than You’d Think
I don’t know about you, but I was raised not to do this kind of shit.
So when it came time to actually explore it, because hey, SO many women are keen to do it… I did not get hard at all.
It took a little bit of time to get my head around it.
But here’s the actual truth.
People, men and women and whatever gender you identify with… they get turned on as fuck by all of this. They actually fantasize about it.
Blue included.
“By all means, kidnap me, tie me up and rape the shit out of me. That would be so hot.”
It’s totally okay to have a “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?” moment when you first hear this. Very, very normal.
Thinking It Through; Acting Like A Monster And Enjoying It
So how can I make this a thing? How do I reconcile all this?
The answer is actually pretty simple.
If a woman wants to do this kind of thing, and it’s not self harm by proxy (which is a topic I’ll get into another time) and I’m okay with doing it, then it’s totally fine.
Given that a woman has equal rights in real life and in the relationship she’s in, and she and her partner agree that it’ll be fun, then she’s totally able to simulate being raped if she likes. If that does it for her, cool. A woman can do whatever the fuck she likes if she has the capacity, it’s legal, and she’s negotiating from an empowered position.
That’s the thing. The consent is there; in fact, the enthusiastic consent and fantasizing about it is there, which means Blue doesn’t just agree… she badly wants me to do it. She is SO keen. This particular scenario has been a fantasy for her for a long, long time.
Since I’m able to get my head around it, and remind myself that it’s role play and not the real thing… in fact, if I remind myself that what we’re doing is exploring our freedom to play with really taboo things on an equal rights basis and actually celebrate that while I’m doing it… yeah. It’s absolutely fine. Same solution goes for D/s and rough sex.
With this, I have the opportunity to learn a fun new kind of play that can spice up our love life in some very interesting ways. So why not?
As for the why it’s hot… it seems to come down to what I just mentioned. People want to do it BECAUSE it’s taboo. It’s fucked up. It violently conflicts with their actual values, and in some strange perverse way, it turns them on. I’m a bit like that myself… the more I’m not supposed to like something, the more I tend to get into it, once I get past the learning curve. Are people supposed to like consensual non-consent? I’ll leave that to you to answer.
Of course, that still doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll get hard right away. Of if you’re reading this and you want to do it and you’re biologically female, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get wet.
This is where some nifty mental hacks come in.
Preparing Yourself To Violate The Shit Out Of Your Partner
There’s a big learning curve to consensual non-consent. For many of us, it doesn’t come naturally, at all. Again, this is probably a good thing – and for those to whom it does come naturally, life is much easier for them when it comes to learning this.
Here are two simple principles which have worked really, really well for me.
1. Start small.
A little bit at a time, rather than the full experience. Maybe some verbal “no, no” while at the same time, your partner’s body is going “yes, yes!”. This can be quite effective in starting your mental reprogramming. After a couple of experiences of this, add in some light struggling. You may find this puts you off – I know I did – but again, after one or two experiences, my confidence that my partner was having a great time went up and it became part of the turn on.
Just gradually work up to the more intense stuff, over a number of play sessions.
2. Conditioning.
A few years ago I did some psychology study. It was a good time, and I learned a lot. And I also learned some of the most awesome life hacks of all time; classical and operant conditioning. In this instance, I’m thinking of this process as classical conditioning, because I think arousal is more of an involuntary response; although it could be argued that operant conditioning is taking place here as well.
The short version is:
When you add something the body really enjoys to something else, whether it’s a word, action, sensation, whatever, you create an automatic association. You typically have to do it a few times for it to take. So you have your basic neutral or even uncomfortable action ( in this case pretend rape) and then you follow it up with something the body finds intensely pleasurable, like a reward.
The first couple times I tried consensual non-consent, as I said earlier, I didn’t get hard at all.
I would either have oral sex performed on me, or have hot sex afterwards anyway. Often both. Because I like to enjoy the good things in life.
Hot sex and orgasms work really well as rewards or reinforcers in a conditioning process.
Another conditioning trick that helps is reading non-consent stories on Literotica while you “condition” yourself. That’s also a good way to do research on particular non-consent fantasies. They tell you the fantasy, you go “… I might need to think about that” and then go away and do a little research to understand it better. Then come back and say “ahem, yep, I’ve “thought” about that and I think it will be a good time.”
These two ideas combined; gradual ramping up and conditioning; are very effective.
How Should You Violate Your Partner?
Actually understanding what your partner wants in their role play scene is very helpful.
Below is a screenshot of what I got when I asked Blue for ideas about what she wanted. There was a bit more to it than just that… a few hard limits, things she absolutely did not want, etc. I have more thoughts on negotiation here if you want more information on that sort of thing.

As you can see, I now have a clear outline of how she wants to be treated.
Planning and Preparation
I then proceeded to plan from there, adding my own creative turn to things, the sort of things I knew we would both enjoy. We decided to veto me actually following her from the bus… last thing we wanted was the police turning up because a well-intentioned neighbor noticed the scary, predatory man following the petite young woman down the street.
Here’s some of my planning process; you may find these ideas helpful yourself (I‘m deliberately setting the “publish” time for this post for after the scene so that Blue doesn’t get any spoilers. Might ruin the fun).

Planning is valuable. Especially planning for what might go wrong. I’ve always thought that, and I’ve had that belief reaffirmed recently, both through my own mishaps and the mishaps of other people. While the events may not happen exactly as you planned, the planning for what might go wrong is SO important.
You’ll notice I planned to use duct tape this time, instead of rope. That’s a little unusual for me – but the theory is that the wider spread of pressure over the wrists will be safer and it may be more in keeping with a “burglar” fantasy. I’m really looking forward to seeing how that works out. When in doubt, trim down risk. Keep your partner intact, so that you can violate her again another time!
It’s very likely that in any struggling scene like this, there will be light abrasions, bruises, etc. Hence the first aid kit for just in case. It’s probably not going to go as according to plan as I might like. We might get interrupted. She might act so skillfully that I lose all my careful conditioning… but probably not, because I’m really really attracted to her, and we’ve done stuff like this a few times. All kinds of things might go wrong… but it won’t be because of lack of preparation.
This is what I’m going to wear on my face:

I’d be plenty scared if I saw someone coming at me with that on and a knife in their hand. Wouldn’t you?
Oh, and VERY IMPORTANT if you live with other people, for example if you’re flatting, it’s very important to warn them ahead of time. You might need to be a lot more tactful about it than I was.
Quote, “hey guys, you might see a tall guy dressed in black and wearing a balaclava in the flat tonight. You may also hear screams coming from my room. Don’t call the police, it’s just me raping the shit out of Blue.”
If your flatmates are anything like mine, and understand your ways, they’ll think it’s adorable. They might even develop giant perverted grins on their faces.
If they’re not… well, use your judgement. I’m sure you’ll think of something.
Pro-tips for execution (of the plan, not your partner. Don’t do that.)
– be scary; fear is a great control mechanism.
– get into role
– have really good threats or coercion planned
– hair is a very convenient handle
– ears make for very good leverage
– watch out for elbows and teeth. You’d be surprised how often victims bite.
– headlocks are useful on occasion
– use a knife with a short blade, so you have better control of where it is at all times. I would advise considering a blunt blade, and if you press it against their skin for additional “motivation” be sure you’ve tested how hard you can press on your own skin first. I know a guy who uses plastic but very realistic looking knives for this sort of thing.
– remember to check your environmental hazards. Tidy away the dangerous things or anything you might trip on!
Here’s for having a fun night!
Pete’s Post Play Update

So that went really, really well. I was waiting in the house in my flatmates room before Blue arrived, all dressed in black and well prepared.
My flatmates told Blue that I was out… She knew what was supposed to happen but not when. I received regular reports from people in the flat via text of just how freaked out and nervous she was (which was funny, considering it was her fantasy). I chuckled.
Everything went surprisingly according to plan; but one thing I did find was that wearing a mask (or balaclava) during this kind of play makes it very, very easy to get into character, and lets all those really dark ideas have a voice. One hell of a dark, sinister voice.
My “burglar character” said some very dark and messed up things, and poor Blue was absolutely terrified. Fortunately she managed to make him happy enough that he went away… after having quite a bit of sinister fun with her.
She did indeed get raped twice. While crying. What a monster that burglar was!
And then her much more pleasant boyfriend Pete Riggs came into the room wearing a white t-shirt and found her chewing on the duct tape that was still around her wrists. Oh, that poor girl. Whatever did that bad man do to you?
A note: it turns out that the duct tape was more like wide electrical PVC tape, and that stretches and thins under force and struggling, reducing your margin of safety. It’s still very useable, but you might want to keep an eye on how much force goes into it. Use actual duct tape instead.
Blue’s Post Play Update
I found it very easy to get into the headspace due to the mask, but that shit is not for beginners and will seriously fuck with your head in some very unexpected ways. It ensured i was completely buying in, which means you get thoughts like “bite his dick off” when that’s obviously not the way to go. As well as mild disassociation and having a very difficult time returning to normal clarity. In fact i think it took Friday night through to waking up on Sunday and some VERY intimate and passionate sex Saturday night to return to baseline. The little touches like seeing if my jewelry was worth anything etc etc were very effective at setting the scene.
The build up drove me crazy! I didn’t know where you were so i hadn’t even greeted you or anything when the scene started.
There were some points when the panic almost got to me and instead of accepting and sobbing it out, it started to feel a bit too real, but listening to your voice and seeing your eyes helped A LOT to bring me back to being ok. I will NEVER DO A SCENE LIKE THAT WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO SEE YOUR EYES! I found it really important to just know that if i did start to freak out that i could look up and still see the person I love and trust under that skull mask xxx
Safety Notes to readers from Blue:
Remember it’s an ordeal, this isn’t normal sex or play. You are putting your mind and body in a state of genuine fight or flight panic, you might even go into shock depending on what you’re doing and for how long. This isn’t just dopamine to mask pain, this is cortisol and adrenaline and things that will alter your brain chemistry if you do it often enough. I’ve recently spoken to my professor about almost exactly this in regards to mice but is completely applicable to mammals of any sort; DO NOT DO THIS AFTER LATE SECOND TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY! These hormones actually affect the development of the fetus.Processing is as important here as it is with any other of the most extreme edge play. If you don’t process you may find yourself dropping very hard or actually end up developing The Blues, not to mention your relationship with your Top could very well be damaged. Start light!
Back To Pete:
That was super fun, and super intense. Definitely doing more of that in future!
As I’ve already mentioned, scenes like this require a lot of careful planning. I’ve got a whole guide on that you might be interested in checking out, especially if you’re into overachieving with your scenes as I am.
For people who are interested in related play that has many of the same themes but is a bit less scary and rapey, you might want to check out forced orgasms. They have this nifty element of consensual non-consent to them, but are much easier to execute. If you’re in general a role play enthusiast, you might like to check out this curated list of roleplay adventures“. Many of them are very easily adaptable for BDSM.
Some milder forms/games for those who might not be ready for the full on scene above:
“Catch and Release”: The rapist corners the rapee for a bit, maybe tear off some clothing, dirty talk, then let her escape, chase her around, corner her again and progress further. I’ve found this is sort of “rape foreplay” allowing the raped to avoid panic/hysteria/premature end to play.
Non-verbal feedback or “The harder you struggle, the harder I rape you”: a game I developed for my sub to allow her more control in the scene. If she struggles, she gets raped harder; if she goes limp/stops resisting, I also stop. This led to her being frustrated because eventually she wanted to surrender but still have me continue, but I felt this game was an important step to overcome some fears of vulnerability and surrender.
“Catch and Release” sounds like a lot of fun – I’m certain Blue would enjoy the hell out of that, and you’re right, it’s a good way to do milder forms of rape play first.
That second game has a lot of potential! And it makes for a great consequence too, in a fun way. The bottom can struggle harder for more rough stuff, and go limp when they just can’t take any more, allowing the top to move on to the intercourse side of things without resistance. The scene continues and both parties get the satisfaction. Thanks for the contribution Behr, I’m sure lots of people will find that useful – myself included.
Pete your article was spot on! I married a vanilla. About 2 years in she wanted to try it “rough”. Rough slowly became CNC. The 1st time she wanted me to rape her, like you i had issues. I wasnt raised that way. I couldnt enjoy it but she sure did.
Eventually i learned its ok. That its what she wants. She was a drama major in college and loved the acting part too. She had authentic outfits not cheap Halloween stuff. She had wigs, fake wedding rings and jewelry, she would buy clothes from goodwill just for me to cut and rip off her in scenes. She once dressed in a catholic schoolgirl outfit and around midnight drove to the school parked and walked towards our house. I offered her a ride she was pretending to have missed the bus. Same time of day she dressed as a nun and needed a ride.
She had no safe word. She said if she knew she could say a word and stop me it wasnt real enough. Harder she fought, harder i was. When she wanted me to bite her she would bite me. We built up to that level though.
As for being caught or having neighbors or passerbys unaware we were playing a game and calling police, thats a real issue. My ex-wife state of mind, in hind sight as her mental illness got worse, she wanted it rougher and more realistic. I knew she had issues but didnt at the time realize how bad. I had her write out a “contract” so to speak listing everything she wanted me to do and that she agreed to being hit certain ways and in certain places. That she wanted bit in certain places. Thats bite marks and bruises were expected etc. Then she dated and signed it. I kept the contracts in a safe. That way if the police were ever involved i had proof it was a game.
Those contracts actually came in handy because when we divorced she tried to say i was an abusive spouse and raped her regularly. My lawyer gave the contracts to the judge and saved my bacon! Just something for guys to think about.
My ex-wife and I started out light and gradually progressed to the harder you fight harder i rape level. She didnt want a safe word at that point. Said if she could say a word and stop me it wasnt realistic enough. It was awesome!
You are like the BLACK LEATHER CLADDED DUDES on inshadow.com and SEDENA.NET websites. They portray BLACK LEATHER CLADDED rapist roles real well. Lol.
You kind of remind me of Jeremy, an actor who roleplayed a BLACK LEATHER PANTED BLACK LEATHER BOOTED rapist on inshadow.com and again, on SEDENA.NET. He got real hard in those BLACK LEATHER PANTS! He enjoyed it alot!
Ever watch the classic movie “Blackout” starring Keith Carradine?
Thanks for the article, i’m quite ashame to be into rape fantasy, the love of domination but the disgust to hurt people.
But it’s good to find other people who understand the roleplay part.
wish I could wind a woman who would do rape play with me I know its mostly with man being the top in this kind of thing but I also enjoy gender norm reversal and lets face it a lot of women are getting surprisingly strong these days. Thing Is I want to be both raped and chocked and given a time limit that If I get off she will choke me out but the fantasy is to say permanently obviously that’s not what I want and she would now that in advance and what my limits are Id have a safe word too. Im not the strongest dude due to muscle issues so a relatively fit women could overpower me genuinely. just wish I could find one who would actually want to.
My girl and I do this sort of thing quite often. She very much enjoys being taken advantage of and “raped”. We talked about it in the first couple years of our relationship and experimented with some rough sex and light BDSM, and later in the relationship moved onto more CNC and rape play.
I’m very fortunate that she’s very comfortable with it all and has opened me up to a new world of bedroom fun, but even after a couple years of practice, I’m still hesitant to smack her as hard as she likes or choke her as much as she wants me to. Just instinctively, because obviously true rape is wrong.
But I feel like this article will help me to tap more into my inner “rapist” and have a bit more fun by using the techniques in said article to help me get into the correct headspace. I think it will make her a very happy lady.
I’d really like to ask some questions for you both to answer.. is there anyway you could message me privately? I’m new to this whole scene and my dom is into some VERY dark things… I just need someone like minded to talk to this about..
Hi A, you can email me via my contacts page 🙂
I won’t lie, I come to this article often. I read EVERY letter, space, and punctuation. Ive sent it to my dom in a hinting manner. Brava 😁
Thank you 🙂
I enjoy consensual non-consent abuse. We use trigger words or actions to start the play in an organic manner. I’ll do something to piss my mate off and then eventually ask if she is mad at what I did. That is a cue that I am looking for “punishment” .
Wise! I find trigger words of that nature to be enormously helpful. It really does give things more of that natural flow 🙂