Here’s an email I got earlier this week.
Comment: Hi Pete,
Just wanted to contact you and thank you. A few months ago I came across your site while searching for tutorials on rope bondage after a night of feeling inadequate with my girlfriend.
We bought a rope because she wanted to try it, she never had before so it’s a little different than your story, but it still made me feel insecure in a way I never have before.
So that day I bought your book, read it cover to cover and have referenced it endlessly sense. It’s been great learning, she absolutely loves it and something about working with rope is very calming.
We have a large selection of cotton rope and at the moment my first batch of tossa jute is sitting in dye, after I boiled it of course. I was curious what you meant about getting blisters becasue of twisting the rope as you put it in the dye… I completely understand now.
Anyway I just wanted to let you know I really appreciate what you do and I’ve been following your tips, like all of them. I bought my jute from jade rope, bought the exact dye you did, bought jojoba oil to try that out that treatment and listening to explosions in the sky while working with or playing with rope is a nice touch. I’ll let you know how my first “professional” rope ends up after all the treatments.
Thanks again,

Naturally, upon receiving this, I was immensely flattered. Especially since he also apparently thought I was funny.
I’m glad this stuff makes your day. It’s great that people like you help out. The way the book was written just shows that you’re just a normal guy too, and honestly it was pretty funny at times, “Masochists, man. What the hell?”
But, more than that, I was pleased as hell because Tim’s story is exactly why I wrote the book in the first place.
When I first began tying and doing rope bondage, I was in just about exactly the same place as Tim.
I had a girlfriend who was kinky and had experienced a lot of things I didn’t know anything about. Yes, I had known kinky women before, and they’d known me, and apparently I give off a vibe like I might be a good candidate for doing that sort of stuff with.
(I’ve since come to the conclusion that women, overall, are much, much kinkier than men, and tend to lure us into trying all these new things)
But I knew absolutely nothing about doing rope bondage and using equipment other than my body. And when my girlfriend asked me to tie her up, because she’d been tied up before, I totally messed it up, because hey. I just didn’t have those skills.
And that sucked. It really, really sucked.
Once I actually knew what I was doing, and I kept running into other people who had been in the same situation, wanting to be taught, I realized that hey – there was a problem I could solve here.
And I really wanted to. I still remember, to this day, exactly how that first night felt, and I did NOT want that for other people – I wanted them to have access to a guide that would get them smoothly past all the same problems I had faced.
So I created this website and spent about a year and some change putting together this guide for people. And Tim’s story tells me that it totally paid off – Rope Bondage The Smart Way is doing exactly what I designed it to do, and you don’t even know how much that means to me!
Thank you so much, Tim!
But now, I want to acknowledge something really important. So I really hope you read this.
Even with my guide, the important thing here is that this was YOUR success.
You’re the one who went looking for information. You’re the one that found this website, and went through it, who purchased the guide and then actually acted on the information you found within it.
I’m glad I was able to help – but it was your actions, your practice, your decisions that led to your success and to you and your partner having a great time with rope and rope bondage.
You made it all happen, buddy, and you should be justifiably proud of overcoming those obstacles.
Great work 😀
If anybody else has any similar success stories, I’d absolutely love it if you can email them in. I’d love to feature your hard work too – not only will it be awesome for me, it’ll be encouraging for everyone else who’s reading this blog and going through their own journey.
You guys rock!
Ataraxia and I and one or two others on the International Association of Rubberists site find something similar, we’re High-IQ Aspies using far more of our brains than usual, and flirting with overload has a similar result.
The thought that people in the mainstream are finding similar approaches useful confirms my thesis, that Aspergers as a distinct diagnosis has more holes in it than a Swiss cheese.