True story.
Reflecting on the last few years, and the increase in the availability of sex and interactions of the kinky and delightful nature, it’s an inescapable conclusion.
In the last few years, the number of potential and available partners has shot up. I’ve had on again off again relationships and then new relationships entirely, which has been a big factor in how many offers I’ve accepted and what was going on for me at the time, but what really stands out is just how much more available those chances became.
If I was in it purely for the sex, I would be one of the happiest people I know.
And yes. I am putting this down to knowing rope and rope bondage. I’ll detail my reasoning below.
I’ve spoken before about how knowing rope bondage can benefit people, including when it comes to opening the door and creating opportunities that might not otherwise exist, but it wasn’t until just recently that it really got hammered home for me.
I was making a list of my current play partners. This was for my current relationship partner, who I was busily negotiating some workable protocols with. I wanted to be completely honest with who I was involved with, and how.
So I started writing up this list and detailing dynamics. I added another person. Then another. Then another. Then another. At this point I was beginning to feel ridiculous. Because I KEPT thinking of other people I have longitudinal or occasional connections with and whom I play with… the list kept growing.
Eventually I finished. I couldn’t think of any more people I was currently playing with or had a connection with. I looked at the list… and it really, really was ridiculous.
“Holy fuck, I’m a whore.” I said in amazement.
I mean, okay, yeah. I knew I was a bit of a slut. I knew I’d had a busy few years with different people. But it wasn’t until I actually put it into writing that I realized how ridiculous things have gotten.
And I sat and thought, “How the FUCK did this happen?”
People have been describing me as “smug” for awhile now. One of the sassiest bitches I know (who is also a good friend) calls me “Smug Potato” as an insult/term of endearment (Yeah, she’s like that). And funnily enough, she’s also someone I’ve tied up… so maybe she has reason to call me that.
But I never took it in, or took it seriously. I never really thought I was sleeping with that many people.
And thinking about it, until I started learning rope bondage… I wasn’t.
Here’s my thinking.
I started learning rope about four years ago, for my girlfriend/fiance at the time.
That didn’t quite work out… for a number of reasons. However, I kept learning the skill. I kept practicing, because fuck it. I enjoyed it. And I enjoyed overcoming this skill and activity that scared the shit out of me the first time I was confronted with it.
I got involved with the local BDSM scene, and met someone else who was into rope bondage and other kinky activities, and that’s when my rope stuff began to really take off. I had a Fetlife profile, and I posted pictures of some of the things we were doing (because that’s something people do on Fetlife). I chose moments I was proud of, and some of those moments included particular ties that were reasonably pretty or that I particularly enjoyed doing with a particular person.
And slowly, over time, the opportunities to play with others increased. More and more people were open to or outright interested in playing with me. It happened in a a gradual fashion… but it definitely happened. Three years ago, I was getting more indicators of interest. Two years ago, I was playing with more people who were interested in being tied over vanilla people who just wanted a piece of Pete. This year… I realize how many ongoing and fun connections I still have, people who have become involved with me through rope and then stayed around. And it’s a bigger number than I would have expected.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not just skills that get people interested in you. It’s character and honesty and all those wonderful things…
But rope bondage opens the door like you would not believe.
I think the reason for that is because comparatively, it’s a rare sort of skill.
There’s tons of guys and girls out there with attractive traits and who fill all sorts of value sets. Lots of guys with cars and houses and great jobs, rugged beards, who travel a lot. Lots of women with great tits and ass, great faces, interesting personalities, with awesome interests and hobbies.
But with guys or girls who are good at rope and using it for sex… well. Well now. That’s kind of a niche skill. We’re not nearly as common as many of the other value sets.
And guys and girls or those who don’t ascribe a gender to themselves who are good at rope bondage and who are reasonable, respectful, generally good people… well.
Maybe we’re even rarer.
So that makes us VALUED.
That makes us someone people look to when they want to fulfill their fantasies. That opens the door to all kinds of possible connections.
So, in short; if you’re good at rope bondage, and people learn about that, and they’re interested in pursuing that particular fantasy, then they are going to look you up. And if you’re the right kind of person, then they are going to HIT YOU UP.
Yeah. Knowing rope bondage is going to get you laid.
As someone who is really interested in rope bondage, I can seriously say this is true. I have a friend that I have known for a long time that I didn’t really have much interest in… untill one night we got to talking and he told me of his experience with rope bondage. Suddenly, knowing this, I actually began looking at him a whole different way. He was someone I could be involved with who could help me learn more and explore more of the realm of rope.
Right? It’s exactly how I met and became involved with a person I’ve been with for nine months and counting