Lovense review; yes, I have once again splurged on new toys for Christmas, and honestly; they’ve turned out to be amazing. So here’s a review for you – pros, cons, and an bonus new superpower.
Story Time
So to start this story, I was watching an anime where a woman was being erotically played with and stimulated with vibrators in her ass and pussy while being in bondage and having a couple of other things happening as well.
It was utterly breaking her brain, in the best possible ways. The protagonist used a remote to control both vibrators, and both parties really got off on the power exchange.
(You’d be amazed at how much BDSM inspiration I can get out of anime and hentai. Those Japanese creators are kinky as hell.)
And I thought… “You know what? I really want to make that happen in real life.”
So being me, I went ahead and began researching.
What I wanted was not just an insertable vibrator. No, what I wanted was to have two insertable vibrators (front and rear) that I could sync to the same remote. Because that’s just convenient.
They had to be powerful, and one of them had to be appropriate for anal play (big flare at the base).
With one device (my phone), I would control ALL the pleasure. With one device, I would rule her pleasure completely.
The first device I came across was a tad pricey. Good reputation, but a bit too much price wise.
After a bit more research, I found something that was both more affordable, and exactly what I was looking for.
There’s this company called Lovense that produce high end, high tech sex toys that have both bluetooth and wireless capabilities, and they run on the same app.
You can literally run them off your phone, while making it look like you’re just fucking around the way every one does on their phone.
Fuck YES!!
Obviously I decided to test them out, and that’s what led to this Lovense Review.
Lovense Review: The Dolce and the Hush.
So I invested in two of these high tech vibrators; the Dolce, formerly known as the Quake, which stimulates both internally and externally. Look at this beast.
And I also got the Hush – a remote control, vibrating butt plug with an excellent design and a good safe flare at the base.
Once they arrived… honestly, I was a bit startled at the size. These are powerful motherfuckers, and the size reflects that. I suppose they have to be though, to fit those vibrating little motors in there.
They’re also a bit pricey, the cost of several dates – but I’ve previously learned that having the power to please your partner with guaranteed or multiple orgasms is quite a satisfying thing.
And then, I took them for a test drive with a partner.
Her review is below.
Muse’s Lovense Review
My first impression of the Dolce and Hush vibrators is that they were…. Bigger than I thought they would be. And it was a little bit intimidating.
But They were both very comfortable! I would definitely recommend a bit of prep and lube for both, especially for the first time you try using them because trust me you are gonna want to spend quite a bit of time trying out all the settings and you don’t want to have to stop sooner than you absolutely have to!
For me having the Dolce just sitting inside of me was a turn on – any time i moved or shifted it would stimulate my g-spot But when the vibrations started – oh my god I know I personally orgasm quite easily – but the Dolce…
Once Pete stopped teasing me I could not stop cumming. It’s just a blur of orgasms.
My absolute Favourite favourite favourite setting is the voice control. Both because I love dancing (yes it vibrates to music) and it makes me geek a little bit in between orgasms and I love dirty talk!
To be told your a good girl or to cum and have matching vibrations follow that Or to have your own moans translate to vibrations ..Excuse me.. I need a minute.. And maybe a cold shower
After adequately blowing my brain we added the Hush. I tend to be a little nervous about anal play so waiting until i was a puddle of girl goo on the bed eased my nerves about the size. Once again I was surprised at how comfortable having all these toys inside of me was! I felt full, but everything fit comfortably, without any awkward pressure points or pinching.
Having both toys on.. Stimulation everywhere It felt like I was possessed. Whatever semblance of awareness I had while playing with just the quake was completely gone. I don’t know when, where, who or how long those toys were inside of me and going for..
And knowing that all of this was being controlled by someone else? I have always found power exchange and having my orgasms controlled by someone else is really sexy.
But actually having Pete settled comfortably in an armchair (Smug as anything) Making me cum from just a few taps to his phone. While I’m writhing and moaning and shaking on the bed.
Fuck it was hot and power exchange was just on another level.
After we had finished playing I was wrecked… I was twitching all over the bed, I couldn’t form words. Anytime Pete touched me – literally anywhere- I would cum. And don’t even ask me about how difficult it was to get me into the shower without collapsing on the floor.. I was one very happy and over-stimulated girl! I would highly, highly recommend these toys!
(Back to Pete’s Lovense Review)
Honestly, it was an incredible amount of fun.
It turns out the Lovense app has quite a variety of options built into it for controlling the vibrators (and your partner).
Both vibrators linked up to the app, which obligingly created a screen which I could use to manipulate and control both vibrators at the same time. I could also see the battery level remaining on both, which was handy.

I found the Dolce had options for controlling both the internal arm of the vibrator (the G-spot) and the external arm (the clitoris) independently, so you could stimulate one more than the other if you chose.
Which is smart, because some people respond way better to one area than to another.
You can use manual control; you can create and program your own preferred patterns of stimulation; and you can program the motors in the Dolce and the Hush to all respond to the same pattern, at the same time.
Which, according to Muse’s reactions, was super intense. Mmph.
Oh, and there are pre-existing patterns of stimulation built into the app as well, which are very handy. There are options to speed them up and slow them down to suit your partner, or your mood. I particularly liked the “Quake” pattern. It appeared very effective.
I have to agree with Muse though. When I found the “sound” function…
I was utterly delighted.
There I was, just sitting in an armchair, speaking in a low pleasant voice, and every time I spoke, Muse wound up writhing around all over the bed and trying to stifle her moans. It was hot as fuck. And she was even more responsive to being told to orgasm than usual. Hmm, I wonder why?
And of course, the moans triggered more vibrations as well, which caused MORE moans, and turned into this amazing feedback loop.
The potential for training and conditioning are AMAZING. I’m absolutely certain that if I did this often enough, I could condition a woman to become aroused at the sound of my voice. Or to become aroused at a particular phrase. Because if I repeated it often enough, while she gets that lovely hot vibrating sensation inside her… just, damn.
I’m going to have so much fun with these!
Clean up was easy; both vibrators are made of a good silicone, so you just have to clean them off with soap and warm water, and either air dry or use a paper towel or something.
The Hush of course can be used on anybody who enjoys anal play, and reportedly you can use these for long distance play as well. As in having a video call with someone, touching a button or two, and hearing them come at the other end of the phone. Yay wifi connection.
One thing to warn you about; the Dolce is a bit noisy. I could distinctly hear the buzzing. So while I’m probably going to use these to do a few sneaky naughty things in public, I’m not going to be doing it in a quiet cafe or restaurant or anything, because it’s a bit conspicuous. That’s the only detractor so far for this Lovense review.
I couldn’t really hear the “Hush” though, so that you might be able to get away with a bit more with that one.
And thus concludes my Lovense Review, and my little story about how to make D/s verbal control even more fun!
It’s easy – just get powerful vibrators that respond to your voice. I’m pretty sure any of the Lovense ones will do – obviously I highly recommend the Dolce, but I suspect the others will probably all have the same functions in the app, though maybe not the dual motors for inside AND outside.
These don’t replace my Doxy; not at all; but they do give me more options. The Doxy is still the most powerful vibrator I’ve used – but that one is a wall powered plug in one.
These give me more mobility, and more ability to stimulate internally, which widens the variety of things I can do within BDSM scenes.
It’s nice to have options 😀
Hey, after testing these out, I’m sufficiently enthused to have become an affiliate for these toys. I feel really good about recommending them, because I’m having a fuck ton of fun with them. If you purchase through any of the links on this post, then I’ll get a small commission, without costing you a cent.
Sync it with the LDR and fun for both parties!
My dm is open for unowned slaves and slaves tired of their current owners