Orgasms are a fun thing to add into your rope bondage scenes – but with some people, it can be difficult to reliably pull them off.
This post is literally showing off the toy I recently got which changed all that – the toy that gave me the power to give an orgasm with a click of a button. It is literally the most effective tool I’ve used (and I’ve experimented with a few) so I’ve decided to actually go to the trouble to write a review for this one.
And yes, I AM smug as hell about it all.
I love Blue to bits. I really, really do.
And I take a special joy in making her fantasies come to life, because hey – not everyone can do that, and it makes me feel super pleased to be the person who does that with her. She looks at me all adoringly afterwards, and it’s freaking awesome.
So there was one particular fantasy (the forced orgasm fantasy) that I wasn’t able to do until recently, because, well, orgasms – depending on the person, they’re sometimes tricky to make happen reliably.
And then, by sheer happenstance, I came across a toy that changed all that, and has given me the ability to far more reliably make orgasms happen in my rope bondage scenes.
How I Found The Ultimate Orgasm Machine
So, I have a fairly kinky social life, which I suppose you all expect at this point in the blog.
A rather large proportion of the people I associate with are also kinky, and sometimes they invite Blue and I to events – for example, reading our favorite erotic literature aloud in a private setting. The idea was supposed to be a little bit like Hysterical Literature: The Orgasm As Art, but less structured.
There was chocolate and alcohol available to loosen everyone’s inhibitions and overall, it was a very entertaining night.
Our local toy enthusiast (this man has ALL the toys) brought his new favorite, an extremely powerful mains powered vibrator he called “The Doxy”. And as the night progressed, and things became more disinhibited, a number of the women there had it used on them, to great effect. Blue was curious, as was I, but we weren’t quite ready to experiment with it just then.
Then, at another event where things could be a bit more private, Blue and a couple of her friends got hold of the Doxy and some condoms to cover it with and disappeared into a bedroom to satisfy their curiosity. I was invited to follow to see how well this machine worked.
Blue and I had played with various different vibrators, but have yet to find one that would actually create an orgasm for her (though we’d gotten frustratingly close).
But this time, when the Doxy was applied… she exploded.
In less than twenty seconds.
It was ridiculous! Click, rumble, loud moany noises, BOOM, orgasm! In nothing flat. And then she lay there, dazed.
I was stunned and intrigued, and I WANTED one. Very badly. That, right there, was power I wanted to have at my finger tips.
So on Christmas morning, while we lay in bed, I opened my laptop and ordered a really nice one while Blue watched and got all excited.
Review Of The Doxy (Aka The Ultimate Orgasm Machine)
Okay. Let’s start with shipping time.
I ordered the Doxy Die Cast on Christmas morning, and then received a very polite email indicating that the company were actually away until January 7th, but would process my order from then. Fair enough, we all need a bit of a Christmas break.
So it was processed on 7th of January, and was delivered on 17th of January, one week and 4 days after the company, now back at work, got the order. Not bad!
Also, the shipping was free. Which I always enjoy.
Price And Model:
I bought the luxury edition (The Doxy Die Cast) because I was treating myself and Blue, and it looked super sexy. I don’t normally buy with looks in mind – I usually focus on bang for buck – but this time I did. We all splash out once in awhile. This cost 149.99 pounds, or roughly $195.00 USD. There was a much cheaper one available at 90 pounds or roughly $118.00 USD, but I wanted this one.

I very nearly chose the Doxy Number 3, which is said to be as powerful, but more compact. Plus, it came with a free head attachment for extra play options, for the same price. So I was very very tempted.
But, at the end of the day, the main reason I wanted a Doxy vibrator was to be able to give forced orgasms, which can involve a lot of squirming around, so I wanted a Doxy with a larger head, lessening the need for accuracy.
Hence the Doxy Die Cast, which has a nice large head, a metal body, and is rather pretty as well – adding to the sexiness. It was a Christmas present to myself, so hey – why NOT get the luxury edition?
I also considered that hey; I was buying myself the ability to give Blue an orgasm whenever I want, for as many times as she can stand, for years to come, at a miniscule 150 pounds.
That’s a rather nice super power to have.
(That said, the basic Doxy will probably be plenty for your needs, and is quite a lot less expensive at 90 pounds (roughly $118 USD) – so you might want to look at that if you think about getting one. Honestly, in terms of functionality, I think they’re about the same, and you’ll pay a lot less. )
Important note: I found that you can select a plug type to suit your location; I picked one for New Zealand, but depending on where you are, it pays to take the extra few seconds to make sure you have the right one. If you mess up, you could always use a travel adapter, but might as well be good from the get go.
Packaging – the Doxy came wrapped in your basic courier/post service waterproof packaging, with the label “Body massager”. Which is technically accurate, and could be anything from what it is to a foam roller that you might use to ease muscle tension before or after a work out. Reasonably discreet.

Underneath that was this rather nice box, which I think I’m going to keep it in when it’s not in use.

It did not come with instructions; however, these are easily located on the Doxy website, and I spent a few minutes reading through them to make sure I understood what I was doing, and how to clean and maintain my shiny new orgasm machine.
Initial Tests Of the Orgasm Machine
I was initially startled at just how powerful this toy is. I hadn’t actually held one before, but damn, son! As an actual massager, it’s powerful enough to melt your muscles. As a fun toy during your kinky scenes, it’s definitely going to have a lot of impact. It actually made my fingers blur as I held it. You can see it in the picture, but in person the effect was far more pronounced.

There were 8 different intensities of straight up vibration, easily controlled with + or – buttons; I bravely touched it to the tip of my nose on the lowest one, (my female friends tell me this is a good way to understand the effect of a wand vibrator if you don’t have a clitoris) and was sufficiently impressed to not want to turn it up any further. Also, the vibration spread right through the front of my skull, and made me sneeze violently.
The pulse setting is very cool; you can use the + or – button to shorten or lengthen the length of the pulse; the plus button shortens the pulse. Blue tells me that the longer the pulse, the better.
You want to give the head a wipe down with a cloth soaked in warm soapy water , or use a few squirts of toy cleaner before you use it. This toy is NOT waterproof; don’t immerse any part of it, just use a soft damp cloth to wipe it down.
Post Play Review:
I was glad I tied Blue down.

She was already excited, having been waiting for the Doxy for awhile, but while we played with it at leisure, she squirmed all over the place. Loudly. Thank the gods for rope!
Blue’s input:
“At times it was almost hard to tell when I was having an orgasm – the Doxy is so powerful that as soon as it touches you, you head straight into this very high stimulus plateau. Every second is like being very close to an orgasm at this very high level of stimulation.
I’m supposed to tell my Sir when I’m going to come but a couple of times I just couldn’t words and he had to figure it out from all the moaning – I feel bad about that but I couldn’t!
I also got over stimulated after about an hour of play and I think it was good that we didn’t have sex that night – I needed the recovery time!”
Honestly, it was incredible fun. I wrung a few orgasms out of her in between doing other things, but I think I need to adjust to having such a powerful toy – I think I might have overdone it the first time because she was super sensitive for the rest of the day.
Or maybe I got a little carried away with the power trip – yeah, that was probably it.
Performance from the toy was EXCELLENT. We played for about an hour and the Doxy didn’t heat up at all. I didn’t have to turn it up to a higher setting at any point; I played exclusively with the lowest two settings and got plenty of bang for my buck. Pulse wasn’t required at all, but I’m looking forward to testing that in future.
Overall, I’d have to say that this is probably going to be one of the best investments I make all year, and it’s given me the ability to further satisfy Blue’s fantasies – which I’ll expand on a bit in the next post.
Should you get one? That’s totally up to you, but I’m going to be keeping this as a new permanent part of my toy collection.
Update October 2023: This amazing toy is still going incredibly well. It’s lasted very well with no maintenance, and I really enjoy how I can make use of it near the end of a play session to achieve a very reliable result.
I find that for a lot of women, orgasms tend to be significantly psychological and require a fair amount of getting conditions “just right”. That remains true, but I’m also finding that after a certain amount of warm up and play, my Doxy Die Cast tends to power a woman straight through any remaining difficulty. Mm, that power though…
The Doxy litteraly changed my life. I have two the regular Doxy 1 and a Doxy 3 the 1 is rumbly the 3 is more buzzy. The 1 is more used like in your play for tied down orgasm stuff. As the 3 is more compact it’s easier to use whilst having sex . I adore both equally. I was told by an erotic writer friend to hold onto my head when I bought my first one. It’s not far from the truth. My oartpar (male) also enjoys the doxy on lowest setting on his frenulum mostly.
Right? That thing is amazing! As for the 3, it never occurred to me to use it during sex… I may have to get that one next Christmas